Unable to run pipe tutorial
- Post By Richard Moser
- 1 month ago
- Post Type Public
I have just installed v24.10 of TCAE-Lite. Initially I installed under Linux, sicne that is where I would really like to use the software. Having downloaded the pipe tutorial I load the case and get this message "Project configuration not fully valid according to TCAE-Lite 24.10 and may have been auto-corrected." When I try to run, I get a message that the caluclation cannot be started, and that the project contains some problems. Upon using the check option, it says that there is no geometry loaded for solid component 1. The stl file does exist in commonData\TMESH\imported and I can load it into ParaView with no issues.
So I then tried installing under Windows. In this case it does not complain about the geometry. However, when I try to run I still get a failure, which is "Failed to execute "netgenSTLMesh" (error 2)." It asks me to check an error log (mesh-err-07-netgenMesh-component1.log), but this file does not exist (there is no netgenmesh log file, and the mesh-err-07 file is called mesh-err-07-mergeMultiMeshes.log.
Can anyone provide details as to why the FEA meshing fails under Windows, and why the geometry does not work under Linux?